Volunteer Sign-Up Form


Next Steps: Sync an Email Add-On

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Second Chance will provide all the necessary materials needed for this day.
All T-Shirts will be picked up on the day of the event.

We need 50 volunteers to assist with various aspects of the event.
All volunteer shifts are 3 hours long.
All volunteers must be at least 18 years of age and will be given free access to the festival.

About You

Your Name(Required)
Desired shift you want to volunteer:(Required)
Desired T-Shirt size:

All Volunteer will report to registration table at the entrance of The Union Station Train Shed on Water Street, Montgomery, AL 36104.

Volunteer Contact: 

Tonya D. Barkum

Phone: 334-263-9733

Email: [email protected]

Trebor Bowman

Phone: 334-263-9733

Email: [email protected]